STEP 2 - Download and Unzip IBM i ACS
Unzipped ACS files for IBM I Access Client Solutions Installation folder to your Desktop :

Choose your platform and goto the install folder for that - ie: either LINUX, MAC or WINDOWS. In my case, I will install the 64-bit version by double-clicking on install_acs_64.js in the Windows_Application folder:

Install Prompts
Now you are going to answer a series of questions. If you have your firewall popping up asking "wtf?" simply grant it access:

First question is whether you want to use the good old fashioned green screen emulator

Answer Yes to using 5250 emulation
Select it to be defaults, because, why not?

If your PC already has the conventional IBM Client Access installed, ACS requests becoming the default client. Personally, I would recommend ACS is the default.

Ps: the new IBM i ACS handling of IFS is super simple and slick as FTP

NOTE: my install told me JAVA wasn't installed. This is a big fat lie. Ignore it.
IBM i ACS is installed
Once its installed you can open Access Client :

Want to watch a real time install of some mumbling English bloke installing ACS on his home machine?