What are the prerequisites for Web Signon?
You should have these licensed program install on your machine:
Check GO LICPGM option 10 to make sure these licensed programs are installed. If these are not installed please perform a GO LICPGM opt. 11 and install them from the media that comes with the OS.
Is IBM i Access for Web 'Software Resource' installed on my Power System?
To check if an IBM i licensed program is installed for IBM i Access for Web, you can follow these steps:
- Log in to your IBM i system.
- Open the IBM i command line interface.
- Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) to display a list of installed licensed programs:

This will display the Licensed Internal Code (LIC) and Licensed Program (LP) information for your system.

This will display the status of the licensed program, including whether it is installed and the current release level.
Is Java installed and ready to function for the Integrated Application Server (IAS)?
To test the JVM that the ADMIN IAS jobs use, perform the following steps:
On the IBM i command line type the following command:
The command will check each version of Java on the system as well as PASE to see if everything works properly.
If everything is successful the screen should look like the following:

What if you see an error like I did?
To change the aspect of the number box (color, border or shadow) click on the number and select in the breadcrumbs the content box just before the paragraph.