How to use named indicators in RPG

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June 30, 2017

How to use named indicators in RPG

By NickLitten

June 30, 2017

RPG, ILE, Indicators, modernization, NamedIndicators, RPGLE

Indicators Suck!

So, lets look at two simple alternatives to make your RPG code more readable and easier to understand and modify.

(1) RPG Named Indicators

When is an RPG indicator more than just a number? We can use a named data structure to overlay over the top of all the indicators used in the program. Using this technique, we can define a sensible name for the each of the memory spaces associated with the indicators.

For example — when the user presses F3 to exit we can do this in the program code as

If Exit;
// leave the program

as opposed to the rather old fashioned

If *in03;
// leave the program

So lets look at it. I really like this way because *IN?? could be called anything we like…

dcl-s PtrIndicators pointer Inz(%Addr(*In));

dcl-ds *n based(PtrIndicators);
  Exit ind pos(3);
  Cancel ind pos(12);
  somethingforindicator50 ind pos(50);
  Overflow ind pos(90);
  Sfldspctl ind pos(91);
  Sfldsp ind pos(92);
  Sflend ind pos(93);
  Sflclr ind pos(94);

In this example, if Indicator03 is the Exit Key then we can call it ‘EXIT’ and in our code we can say

If EXIT ‘do-something’

Which is much cleaner than ‘If *IN03 ‘do-something’ right?

(2) Named Indicators using Numbers

When is a Function Key more than a Command Key?

Another technique I like, specifically when referencing the Functions keys (or command keys as they used to be called is to reference the first 24 PF keys specifically. Command Keys aka Program Function Keys can be referenced like this:

//define functions keys
dcl-s ptr_FunctionKey pointer inz(%addr(*INKA));
dcl-s FunctionKey ind dim(24) based(ptr_FunctionKey);

Then you can say

If FunctionKey(01) Do-Something

I like both techniques, so take your pick!

Fun with Indicators 101.

Seton LR 🙂

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