Leaving this Green and Pleasant land I lived the first forty years of my life in Southern England. A happy and traditional English childhood growing up in the Home Counties. Dad in the Army, Mum a housewife, grandparents for Sunday Lunch every weekend, two dogs and a thoroughly irritating little brother 😉 Growing up in

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Hands up and stand away from the keyboard. It’s time for a thinking day. Do a little less for one day might mean doing far more for many more…. It’s not often I blog about somebody elses blog… is that Blogging2? Yesterday, I read this excellent article by John Donahoe, previous CEO of Ebay. Published

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RPG would be Jehovah’s Witnesses – RPG programmers are of the elite 144,000 left in the world (because there are only 144,000 left in the world) and believe they are in the last days of the present world and lots of people make fun of them for their beliefs and rigid standards. The modern generation

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What is Ingress? It’s a game. A huge MMO that is played world wide. It’s played outside, in the real world, using any mobile device. It’s using google maps to show a real world view. Ingress is an Augmented Reality Game (ARG) where you have to go to certain locations and hack portals. There are

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I had an email from soneone who was particularly upset with the tone of one of my blogs — when I was talking about my lack of religious belief and (imho) gently mocking those of a religious persuasion. The gist of his email was “You think you are so clever and you think you have

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Hi, my name is Nick Litten and I am Openly Secular Perhaps openly-atheist would better describe my outlook. I was raised in a Christian household. In my mid-teens my personal coming of age process started when I started questioning, reviewing and critically thinking about anything/everything I was being taught at school and home to decide

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Gunmen have shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in a militant Islamist attack. Four of the magazine’s well-known cartoonists, including its editor, were among those killed, as well as two police officers. Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30710883 Clearly, only the worst people alive could commit such terrible acts. If these

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Don’t know who Jibbers Crabst is? Watch this video and convert to Crustacenaity. He is our Lord and Savior and Lobster. Find salvation, convert to Crustaceanity and find the One Lobster Truth through our Lord and Savior™, Jibbers Crabst. The oatmeal is one of my most favorite online distractions. Matt Inman, the author of the aforementioned comic brilliance,

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RPG Programmers are a strange breed of Human If you are a software developer then you will know that RPG is an IBM programming Language. It’s also a Rocket Propelled Grenade. It’s also an acronym for Role Playing Games. This blog will have lots of waffle about being an RPG Programmer and just the occasional

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“I have so much in common with people of faith. We only disagree on the existence of 1 out of 3000 gods. They’re nearly as atheist as I am “ Ricky Gervais We are all born atheist. We are all taught the religious belief system of our parents or family members. If you are born

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RPG Programming Standards? “RPG Programming Standards” have been debated since the invention of the wheel. With an entire generation of RPG programmers evolving from the early days of System/3x column based RPG code to modern free flowing web format code the adoption of a simple clean programming layout standard has been a mythical quest. Old

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You DO NOT have an AS400 or an iSERIES! This has been an ongoing argument disagreement in our IBM i and RPG programmer communities for well over a decade: Should IBM have changed the name when the launched the replacement for the old AS/400 computer? Many people using the latest IBM i servers still enjoy

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