IBM i webservice consumption - SQL Example - Weather

Example from GIT HUB - # Get-Temp

This is an example, created to get the current temperature from a weather station as uploaded to the website

NOTE: You will need you own API code from Weather Underground as denoted by '********************************'

gettemp.sql - Stand alone SQL statement

  from json_table(
          concat '?stationId=' concat
          '&format=' concat SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE('json''')
          concat '&units=' concat
          SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE('m'''concat '&apiKey='
        NEIGHBORHOOD char(50path
        OBSTIME char(50path
        TEMPERATURE float path
      ) error on error
    ) as X

gettemp.sqlrpgle - RPG program which includes the SQL statement above

The code is developed in SQLRPGLE, to run on an IBM i System, and I had nothing to do with it. Having said that - you might find it useful to look at somebody elses coding style.

// Retrieve current temperature in Alston from

// Input parameters
dcl-s w_stationid char(50);
dcl-s w_format char(50);
dcl-s w_units char(50);
dcl-s w_apikey char(50);

// Values for HTTP get
dcl-s w_url varchar(2048);
dcl-s w_query varchar(1024);

// Output values
dcl-s w_city char(50);
dcl-s w_time char(50);
dcl-s w_temp packed(5:2);

// Other declarations
dcl-s w_result char(50);

// Setup URL
w_url = '';

// Setup input parameters
w_stationid = 'IALSTO9';
w_format = 'json';
w_units = 'm';
w_apikey = '********************************';

// Retrieve current temperature
exec sql
select neighborhood, obstime, temperature
into :w_city, :w_time, :w_temp
trim(:w_url) concat
'?stationId=' concat SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE(trim(:w_stationid), '') concat
'&format=' concat SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE(trim(:w_format), '') concat
'&units=' concat SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE(trim(:w_units), '') concat
'&apiKey=' concat SYSTOOLS.URLENCODE(trim(:w_apikey), '') concat
, null), '$'
neighborhood CHAR(50) path '$.observations[0].neighborhood',
obstime CHAR(50) path '$.observations[0].obsTimeLocal',
temperature FLOAT path '$.observations[0].metric[0].temp[0]'
) error on error
) as x;

when sqlcode = 0;
  w_result = 'Completed normally';
when sqlcode = 100;
  w_result = 'No data found';
when sqlcode > 0;
  w_result = 'Completed with warning';
when sqlcode < 0;
  w_result = 'Did not complete normally';

// Display values returned
DSPLY sqlcode;
DSPLY w_city;
DSPLY w_time;
DSPLY w_temp;

// End of program


Resource 1 API documentation

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}