Consuming webservices from my IBM i System

About Consuming webservices from my IBM i System

This module will explain the basic concept of talking to an internet web services from the IBM i system, and getting responses back. We have various techniques for reading (consuming) webservices out there on the Internet or on any remote network. Here we will look at various techniques to consume internet webservices from our IBM i Power System.

Module Content

This module will explain the basic concept of talking to an internet web services from the IBM i system, and getting responses back. We have various techniques for reading (consuming) webservices out there on the Internet or on any remote network. Here we will look at various techniques to consume internet webservices from our IBM i Power System.

Talking to Internet Webservices and consuming responses


IBM i can consume Internet web services using its Integrated Web Services (IWS) client. This client allows Integrated Language Environment (ILE) programs, such as those written in RPG, COBOL, C, or C++, to act as web service consumers.

Consuming Webservices with Opensource HTTPAPI (LIBHTTP)


Come with me - we will go and download Scott Klements excellent open source toolset HTTPAPI (LIBHTTP). This lets us easily write RPG code to connect to webservices out there in the cloud. It's easy. Let's do this step by step...

Come with me - we will go and download Scott Klements excellent open source toolset HTTPAPI (LIBHTTP). This lets us easily write RPG code to connect to webservices out there in the cloud. It's easy. Let's do this step by step...

Good Question! Let's discuss the various ways an RPG program can be written as A WEBSERVICE to share information with any requesters on the internet.

If you are using the IBM i HTTPAPI (LIBHTTP) opensource utilities, you already realize how easy it is to talk to an internet web service from within your IBM i RPG programs but sometimes even the best-laid plans go wrong. This is when you need to learn how about the “debug HTTPAPI webservices” function.

Consuming Webservices with native IBM i SQL


IBM comes with pre supplied SQL functions - the SQL integration in IBM i makes connecting to external webservices so simple you will slap yourself.

How about we write a super simple SQL statement to connect to an internet webservice and get a little bit of JSON back as a reply? Then we can wrap that super simple SQL statement in an SQLRPGLE program that is nearly as simple? Ready? Let's Gooooo

IBM comes with pre supplied SQL functions - easy to use from RPG - allowing you to talk natively to the Internet

Consuming Webservices with standard IBM Code


IBM comes with pre supplied API's - easy to use from RPG - allowing you to talk natively to the Internet

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