You can create the integrated web services server by using the IBM i Web Admin GUI Create Web Services Server wizard. Point your browser to the Web Administration for i GUI by specifying the following URL:
The “host name” is the host name of your server. Sign on. (You must have *ALLOBJ authority to create a web-services server or have permission to create web services servers.) Then, start the Create Web Services Server wizard by either clicking the link in the navigation bar under the Common Tasks and Wizards heading, or on the main page of the Setup tab.

The wizard, which is shown in Figure 5-12 takes you through three windows. You are creating only the web services runtime engine. In the first window, specify the name of the server or use the default name.

The next window allows you to specify the runtime user profile for the server. You can also use the default user profile, QWSERVICE. The final window is a summary window, and when you click Finish, the wizard goes through the process of creating the server.
When the server is created, it starts. This shows what you see when the server is

You can see the status of the server (upper left corner), in addition to the sample web service, ConvertTemp, that is deployed when the server is created.
Now, you can deploy an ILE program object as a web service.