In programming terms, a shell is a command-line interpreter that provides a user interface for accessing an operating system’s services. It allows users to execute commands, run scripts, and manage system resources.

Types of Shells on IBM i:

  • Qshell: A command environment based on POSIX and X/Open standards. It provides a familiar UNIX-like interface for running commands and scripts.
  • PASE Shells: IBM Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE) for i includes several shells such as Korn, Bourne, and C Shell. These shells provide an extensible scripting environment with many industry-standard commands.
  • SSH (Secure Shell): Provides a secure environment for managing and running open-source software on IBM i. SSH is particularly useful for developers familiar with Linux or Windows environments.

Key Features:

  • Command Execution: Shells allow you to execute system commands, run scripts, and manage files and directories.
  • Scripting: You can write and execute shell scripts to automate tasks and processes.
  • Integration: Shells can integrate with other tools and utilities, enhancing the functionality of the IBM i system.


  • Flexibility: Shells provide a flexible environment for performing a wide range of tasks, from simple file management to complex scripting.
  • Compatibility: They offer compatibility with many open-source tools and utilities, making it easier to adopt modern development practices.
  • Security: SSH, in particular, provides a secure way to access and manage the system remotely.
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