Install IBM i Open Source Technologies

IBM provides many open source technologies ported to work on IBM i.

BOB, the Better Object Builder, uses quite a few of them - bash, coreutils-gnu, gawk, grep-gnu, make-gnu, python3, python3-ibm_db, sed-gnu. We will double check these are installed later in this document.

Managing open-source tools can be a breeze with ACS. You'll find a straightforward guide on installing and handling those open-source packages here

You can then use the ACS Open Source function or from the command line (if you are feeling techie) to install packages.

IBM i Open Source Technologies 1

Open Source is something you may not be aware of - but you will have definitely heard of it in recent years. It's a growing mainstream component of the IBM i Ecosphere.

In the next few lessons we will cover:

  • Install Opensource Packages: BASH Shell
  • Install Opensource Packages: BOB the Better Object Builder
  • Install Opensource Packages: Source Orbit
  • Configure .bash_profile files
  • Finally... do a real time video of each step!

OK? Let's go...

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