What is the Visual Studio Code extension for IBM i?

The IBM i Code extension adds support for IBM i Languages to the VS Code application.

What is the Visual Studio Code extension for IBM i? 1

For all of us IBM i Software Developers we can install Visual Studio Code and then download and install the IBM i extension from the VS Code Marketplace to add full DDS, CL and RPG support for this excellent code editor.

Once installed, Visual Studio Code now using the IBM i extension, enhances and improves the code editing experience in the style of full commercial tools like Rational Developer for IBM i

Put your dusty old SEU tool in the cupboard and maintain your RPGLE, CL, COBOL, C/CPP on IBM i right from Visual Studio Code.

Quite deliciously, Visual Studio Code for IBM i offers many of the commercial RDi advantages without the painful IBM price tag.

  • This versatile editor is used for writing programs with languages such as Java, JavaScript, Python, RPGLE, SQLRPGLE, CLLE and more
  • Code Coverage within Code for IBM i so you can see how many lines/blocks/arcs of code are executed when you run unit or functional test
  • you can view SQL results inline, compare sources, and search file content
  • edit PHP on IBM i with quick setup and fast loading/saving, at no cost and with time-saving developer productivity features
  • a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs
  • a 5250 terminal or a PASE shell right in the editor
  • support for both fixed-format and free-format RPGLE
  • access and work with IFS files stored on your IBM i
  • use SSH public key authentication, a more secure alternative to passwords
  • ... and much more
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