Request your PUB400 Account

Step 1 – Request your user account on the PUB400 IBM i system

Where can I get my PUB400 login information like User ID, Password and IP Addresses?

So, lets go through the process, one step at a time.

We are going to start with launching the PUB400 signup process and creating our very own PUB400 Account:

Request your PUB400 Account

How about we do this in real time?

Click to play

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Here are all the steps and screen shots

Request your PUB400 Account
Click that little link down in the left hand corner

Request your PUB400 Account 1
Then click SUBMIT and wait a few minutes

In my case it took roughly 2 minutes for the system to send me a nice welcome email:

Request your PUB400 Account 2

Once your verified it's another wait of a few minutes while your account is created. A User Account is called a User Profile (*USRPRF) in IBM i terminology.

This might take a while so lets go and make a cup of tea.

So it looks like we are ready to signon and see what we get?

Exciting stuff and it really couldn't have been much easier 🙂

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}