About IBM i Operating System in more detail
IBM i Operating System in more detail
Module Content
IBM i Operating System in more detail
Diving into the IBM i Ecosystem
Introduction to the IBM i system menu
What are the typical nouns used in IBM i commands, and what do they represent?
IBM i Libraries and Objects
Library List, Types and Objects in more detail
The IBM i System uses library lists to determine where a job can find the objects it needs. Each job on the system has a library list attached to it.
The Integrated File System (IFS) is a file system used in IBM i Power Systems (also used on the older AS/400 and iSeries machines). It operates as a storage system that replicates the classic folder/document folder used by Unix and windows systems. It allows full operability with these other systems.
We all know that a database stores data - but what is the difference between a Table, a Physical File, a Logical File, a View, an Index?
DDS Definitions for Physical File - How to Create a file with Default Values
WRKACTJOB - Work With Active Jobs
Journaling is a function which records the changes in a file in a journal. These record images are used to recover the changes in the file should the system ends abnormally. Commitment control is a function that allows you to define and process a no of changes to database files as a single unit (transaction).
Let's go through a code example of creating a *PF - Physical File
The IBM i System utilises various types of libraries to organise and manage objects within the system. Library lists, which are associated with each job, specify the libraries that the job can access.
Let's go through a code example of creating a *LF - Logical File
It's time to grab some old AS400 Physical Files and drag them kicking and screaming into the IBM i SQL Age...