*OMIT/*NOPASS makes parameters funky
*OMIT – Lets you send a parameter as a value or as *nulls
Lets you use the *OMIT keyword when calling you program. So, if you just dont want to pass anything, you can say *OMIT – I think it just passes *NULLS and in the program that is being called you would say something like
if %addr( parm1 ) = *NULL ;
parmvalueinprogram = 'something';
else ;
parmvalueinprogram = 'parm1';
endif ;
*NOPASS – lets you just neglect to pass anything at all
Don’t even bother. I think it just passes *NOTHING and in the program that is being called you would say something like
select ;
when %parms() = 0 ;
parmvalueinprogram = 'something';
when %parms() = 1 ;
parmvalueinprogram = 'parm1';